Privacy policy

The communication with Chumillas Technology SL, through your email address, either through the forms present on this website or the link to your e-mail present on it, implies the express consent that your personal data are incorporated to files owned by Chumillas Technology SL, whose address is:

Chumillas Technology, S.L.

Carretera de Onda, km 2, Vila-real (Castellón) Spain

Tel. +34 964 526 412 Fax +34 964 530 667


The mentioned data will be treated under its responsibility in order to resolve the queries raised, the interested party has the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition with respect to the personal data contained in the mentioned files, and may revoke his consent in writing in any time (Organic Law 15/2019, of May 22, on the Protection of Personal Data).